Based on monitoring activities of natural resources and ecosystems, through field activities and tallysheet data collection, as follows :
Dryland Forests (Kerangas Forest)
The type of insectivorous plant, the Semar bag (Nepenthes sp.) That grows on the forest floor.
Freshwater Swamp Forest (Alluvial)
Types of complex plants include woody vines, epiphytes and ferns. In Hulu S. Sekonyer, its freshwater forest is dominated by Pandan (Pandanus sp.), Makrofita Landscape (Bakung) like Crrinum sp that floats
Type of vegetation with knee root and breath root sticking out to the water surface.
Mangrove Forest (in Coastal Area) / Payau (in the estuary of the river)
Nipah (Nypa fruticans) that grows extending into the interior along the river. Mangrove vegetation types such as Fire-fire (Sonneratia sp.), Mangrove (Rhizopora sp.)
Beach Forest
Marga Casuarina, Pandanus, Podocarpus, Scaevola, Baringtonia
Lowland Tropical Forest
Meranti (Shore sp.), Ramin (Gonystylus bancamis), Jelutung (Dyera costulata), Keruing (Dipterocarpus sp), Ulin (Eusideroxylon zwageri), Tengkawang (Dracontomelas sp.), Puspa (Schima sp), Ubar (Ganua sp.), Pulai (Alstonia sp), Durian (Durio sp.), Rotan (Calamus sp), Alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica)
Secondary Forest